Subject: Re: Flash for *BSD Petition
To: None <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/23/2004 11:41:31
On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 wrote:

> As a webdesigner, I think (even though Flash is not open source) you can
> do some pretty amazing stuff with Flash.

That's nice, and probably true, but you do at least provide non-Flash
alternatives when you create pages which focus on *information*?

Flash is aptly named:  it's *flashy*.  It's not good for information
distribution; it's good only for flashy eye candy.

> Realplayer has many alternatives now (mplayer, helix),

I should point out that neither of these are true "alternatives":  they
require an x86 architecture host and wrap themselves around questionably
licensed Win32 binary DLLs.

-- Todd Vierling <> <>