Subject: Re: wd drive in go-slow mode
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Paul Ripke <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/28/2004 08:37:20
On Wednesday, Apr 28, 2004, at 05:20 Australia/Sydney, Manuel Bouyer 

> Hum, maybe this drive has a problem. If the transfer mode had been 
> changed,
> a message would have been printed before the "soft error (corrected)".

That's what I thought. I think the drive has a problem :(

> BTW, you may want to try the attached program, which tests the speed 
> of the
> bus by looping on data already in the drive's cache.
> Usage: ./tst /dev/rwd4d 10000
> (or more if 10000 is too low to give accurate results).

ksh$ ./a.out /dev/rwd3a 10000
7875522 us, 79.359819 MB/s
ksh$ ./a.out /dev/rwd4a 10000
7894802 us, 79.166013 MB/s

Curiously, the SMART data match almost exactly between wd3 and wd4. I
would've thought that since SMART is supported, something like this
would show up there. Makes me seriously consider the extra expense
of going SCSI...

Paul Ripke