Subject: Re: CM8738 Cmedia PCI sound Card problem
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/22/2003 14:27:44 (Thor Lancelot Simon) writes:
> Read what he said more carefully: latency for the _controls_, which are
> actually separate USB features from the audio device itself.  I use a
> Griffin iMic as an audio output device to play MPEG and Windows Media
> files all the time -- no problems to report as yet, and the iMic has
> really great output quality.

Oh I read it carefully enough, thank you very much.  The fact that the
controls had a lag were not lost on me.  What I had assumed, perhaps
incorrectly, but then perhaps not, was that the audio buffering was so
long that changes in the controls would take a while to trickle out to
the speakers.

What would be interesting to know is how long it takes the output to
change when the input from userland changes.  My suspicion is that
this is the same lag one sees in the controls.  But then again I'm
willing to be surprised.

The fact that mpeg sound tracks the video can also be a result of the
the speakers buffer never filling much (say if the player only
trickles out the audio at the rate it is needed.)  The problem with
counting on that is one gets progressively worse skews as a function
of time.  What may be fine for a short video may not be so good by the
end of a 2hr dvd.

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
       The above "From:" address is valid.  Don't mess with it.