Subject: Re: LFS + NFS == slow?
To: Chris Jones <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/18/2003 18:00:52
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 12:33:13PM -0600, Chris Jones wrote:
> Is LFS not ready to be used in combination with NFS?  I'd really like to 
> use it on my fileserver, because I hate waiting 5 minutes for it to run 
> fsck; but this performance is really bad.

LFS has some problems when exported as an NFS filesystem. The issue
is that LFS is based on writing large, sequential segments. With NFS,
every write needs to be committed to disk on the server, when the
client tells it to. So, LFS will kill your performance there, because
it can never assemble enough data to write in a large chunk, since
the NFS client keeps telling it to write it to disk.

This is somewhat improved in -current, but it's pretty bad in 1.6.x
I think it can be improved more.

- Frank

Frank van der Linden                                  
NetBSD. Free, Unix-like OS. > 45 different platforms.