Subject: Showing which processes are writing to disk
To: None <>
From: Brian de Alwis <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/27/2003 14:41:25
Does any body know of any tool that will show which *processes* are
writing to disk?  Something like `iostat -d -w 1'.

I'm trying to minimize disk writes while my laptop is on battery.
I have my disks mounted with `noatime, nodevmtime'.

My method to find disk-writers to date is to monitor top as often
as possible; GQmpeg was identified as one culprit.

The [usb0] kernel process seems to cause disk-writes quite often.

     Brian de Alwis | Graduate student | Software Practices Lab | UBC
"Passivity & cynicism have always come easily to the educated." - Ed Broadbent