Subject: Re: Sun-Java 1.4
To: None <>
From: Ulrich Hobelmann <ulrich.hobelmann@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/06/2003 16:33:22
Ulrich Hobelmann wrote:
> I've just installed the Sun 1.4 JDK which uses Linux Emu (via pkgsrc).
> I get the following problem:
> Osgiliath: {1} java
> Error occurred during initialization of VM
> Could not reserve enough space for object heap
> Linux Emu is enabled.  Free memory on the system right now is about 
> 100MB + swap.  I use NetBSD 1.6.1_RC3 (April 6) on i386.

Oops, make that 1.6.1_RC3 from March 30.  I rebuild the kernel today...

> Does anyone have the same problems, or get Java 1.4 to work?
> Should I contact the pkg maintainer or send-pr?
> Ulrich