Subject: Re: xfs support
To: None <>
From: Staffan Thomen <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/01/2003 18:40:26
 Oops, forgot to send it to the list, not you, sorry emre.

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:53:04 -0600 (CST) <> wrote:

> > So do the words "SGI is actively working on it" inspire me?
> > Not overwhelmingly. These are the folks who came out with a $5000
> > Windows workstation.  It was better than the $2000 ones from every
> > vendor in the world, so they did manage to sell 4 or 5 of them :)
> > Today they love Linux.
> Well, of course SGI does some very stupid/silly things, but they're
> just trying to stay alive in this business.  The reason why I
> mentioned xfs is because of the fact that SGI actually ported 100% of
> xfs's features to linux.  So the XFS that's running on linux right now
> is the same one running in IRIX.

 Just butting in to mention that this is not entirely true, being that
 the sgi linux xfs drivers are xfs version 1 only, while IRIX above 6.5.5
 has version 2 available to them.

 Also on the previous point on SGI's goals, (gotta defend my favourite
 hardware manufacturer, now don't I?) they've quite recently kicked out
 an idiot CEO (apparently went to microsoft and got kicked out from there
 too), yes you know, the guy that changed the cube logo to the stylized
 'sgi'. They've now since tried to recover, moving their aim to where
 they're good, high-end servers, and away from workstations, even though
 they're keeping the linux part (hell, everybody does it nowdays).

 Hohum, another batch of useless blather. Shake well before use.

Staffan Thom=E9n
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