Subject: Recommendations about tunnels?
To: None <>
From: Lista de NetBSD Users <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/21/2002 10:59:05

ADSL is new in Mexico and some of our public schools
in our state are adquiing these lines in order to
have internet access in the school LAN.

With an old computer, I am preparing a schoolserver
prototype to give firewall protection to a LAN,
dhcp and dns service and others. A *strong wish* is
to do a tunnel between the schoolserver and our central
site in order to do routing and offer our intranet
services to the kids. All our infrastructure is
NetBSD/i386 based.

My experience in tunnels is limited to ipv6/gif tunnels
and a *successfull* installation of a NetBSD server/firewall
to our new ADSL line (rp-pppoe based :).

What kind of tunnel is better for this case?

How to know (at central site) the IP address of the school
server when it starts pppoe sucessfully (or speedtouch/userppp).
Or when pppoe restarts obtaining a different IP number?.

Thanks in advance

Heron Gallegos
Centro Siglo XXI - Informatica Educativa
More Info (just informational):

a) Cost(US dlls):
Line Down  Up Contract  Month   Modem
256   256 128      300     50    USB or Ethernet
512   512 256      300     90    USB or Ethernet
2048 2048 512      300    450    Ethernet

b) All modems are Alcatel, USB and Ethernet.

c) If prototype works, the schoolservers will be
used IBM PC's, PMMX-200, 64 MB RAM, 2.5 GB IDE HD,
2s, 1p, 2 USB, 1 SoundBlaster and an ISA 3C509B.
1 ISA and 1 PCI slots available.

d) Looking upload speeds, is cheaper ADSL-512 that others.

e) Also, schoolserver could run squid cache server with
   aprox 400 MB of HD space.