Subject: Re: FreeBSD user questions
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/29/2002 11:17:56
On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 wrote:

> man -k pkg didn't show up anything obviously useful.
	pkgtools/pkgchk or pkgtools/pkglint (lintpkgsrc) both may be
	of some use :)

> [ For those who don't know, pkg_version on FreeBSD basically
> checked your ports, sorry, package tree against the packages you
> have installed and tells you which are out of date. ]
> Also, I'm reading source-changes and wanted to know how I can tell
> if a message releates to current or -rnetbsd-1-5, just so I can tell
> what's happening in the source tree?

	The tag (such as [netbsd-1-5]) will be in the subject
		David/absolute		-- No hype required --