Subject: Re: X11 packages outside /usr/X11R6
To: NetBSD Users list <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/06/2002 17:04:46
[ On Saturday, April 6, 2002 at 23:39:38 (+0200), Wojciech Puchar wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: X11 packages outside /usr/X11R6
> > > goes against my goal to follow hier(7)), and I too would like to see it
> > > be the default for pkgsrc.
> >
> > Reading Packages.txt, setting PREFIX to /usr is NOT recommended. And I
> > prefer the way it's now :)
> yes. this way pkg's are clearly separated from base OS.

you ignore the needs of real users who are not unix experts and who just
need to use the system (and add-on packages) to get real work done.....

Having done things both ways for such users for many years now I can
assure you that proper tight integration of add-on stuff is by far the
most desirable and usable state of affiars.

I have a hard enough time trying to explain to such people why there
must be a separate /usr hierarchy, never mind why there should be a
/usr/X11R6 and a /usr/pkg and a /usr/local and so on....  There really
is no reason any more.  (except on antique hardware....)

								Greg A. Woods

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