Subject: Re: X crashes - XMMS
To: NetBSD Users list <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/09/2002 19:14:18
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On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 11:46:45AM -0600, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Feb 2002, Julio Merino wrote:
> xmms is a real processor hog, especially with the window dressing turned
> on. Check "top" while it's running the O-scope thingy. Maybe your
> hardware just can't handle it. It also tries to keep the sound
> hardware's buffer full, so it doesn't ever have to block, but if your
> soundcard has a very small buffer, all that extra calculation would just
> increase the load on the system. I'm guessing "mpg123" just rams bytes
> into the audio device, and blocks until they're played out.

It works very well on other os'es, like FreeBSD or Linux. I only have this
problem in NetBSD.
My soundcard, a SB16 ISA PNP. Hardware: Pentium2 266, with 320 of ram.

> Did you build "xmms" from the latest sources? There were a couple of
> patches dropped into the package, in May and June last year, that may
> help the situation.

I used latest pkgsrc.

> Frederick

Of course it runs NetBSD -
Julio Merino <>

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