Subject: building TenDRA C/C++ compiler?
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/17/2001 23:55:27
I have spent a couple hours trying to build TenDRA 4.1.2. (It is a free,
public domain C/C++ compiler.)

It has been built under FreeBSD under 80x86 (that's what it calls it). It
includes code (it calls them TDF installers) for target operating
system FreeBSD.

Has anyone built TenDRA under NetBSD?

I've been getting messages like:
 building TDF standard token library (with diagnostics) ...
 tcc -g
 -Ft -o except_toks.t except_toks.j
 tld: Error: cannot open library file 'posix': No such file or directory
 tld: Error: cannot open library file 'ansi': No such file or directory
 *** Error code 1

(Of course, this doesn't mean anything except under TenDRA.)

My next try will be to look at some of the patches for the FreeBSD TenDRA

I need to find a forum/mailing list for TenDRA ...

   Jeremy C. Reed