Subject: Unreal Tournament on NetBSD
To: NetBSD Users <>
From: Nate Johnston <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/16/2001 10:59:57
Has anyone been able to successfully install and use Unreal tournament
for Linux on their NetBSD system?  I have a Riva TNT2 card, and I am
trying to follow the instructions for installing it on FreeBSD on this

Now I have it installed in /emul/linux/usr/games/unreal, and when I
execute it I get the splash screen.  The splash stays until I control-C,
and nothing ever happens after that.  I did a ktruss of
UnrealTournament, to see what it was doing, and it's very long - 824K
compressed with gzip -9.  The truss ends with:

  2948 UnrealTournament RET   close 0
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  stat(0xbfbfa698,0xbfbfa34c)
  2948 UnrealTournament NAMI  "../Music/"
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   stat 0
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  open(0xbfbfa698,0x10800,0xbfbfa3c4)
  2948 UnrealTournament NAMI  "../Music/"
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   open 13/0xd
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  fstat(0xd,0xbfbfa34c)
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   fstat 0
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  fcntl(0xd,0x2,0x1)
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   fcntl 0
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  getdents(0xd,0xbfbf8504,0x1eb9)
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   getdents 736/0x2e0
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  getdents(0xd,0xbfbf8504,0x1eb9)
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   getdents 0
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  close(0xd)
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   close 0
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  brk(0x811c000)
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   brk 135380992/0x811c000
  2948 UnrealTournament CALL  munmap(0x48d01000,0x5d000)
  2948 UnrealTournament RET   munmap 0
  2948 UnrealTournament PSIG  SIGSEGV caught handler=0x480b9390 mask=(30) code=0x4
If anyone can help me figure out what I can do to get this work, or can
tell me conclusively that it is not possible.  Thanks!
