Subject: Re: Locales (was Re: switching to -current: dangerous ?)
To: Eric Jacoboni <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/22/2001 22:56:36
In message <>, Eric Jacoboni writes:
>>>>>> "Manuel" =3D=3D Manuel Bouyer <> writes:
>Manuel> For NetBSD you want export LANG=3Dfr
>Thanks for your help but, when i export LANG=3Dfr (i've also tried
>LC_ALL), i see absolutely no changes (i've tried typos and misformed
>commands but all messages are still in english).
>Furthermore, i get the well known Perl message:
>| perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
>| perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
>| LC_ALL =3D "fr",
>| LANG =3D "fr"
>| are supported and installed on your system.
>| perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
>which is the one we get when there is a problem with our locale
>settings. So, i suspect "export LANG=3Dfr" doesn't do anything (before
>you ask, i'm using ksh).
That part, at least, is easy enough to check: run
printenv LANG
and see what it says.
--Steve Bellovin,