Subject: Beastie Bezel Badges...
To: None <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/19/2000 18:47:16
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I've mailed off badges to the following folks, sorted alphabetically by
first name:

Bill Sommerfeld, Dirk Myers, Hubert Feyrer, J.E. Spath, Jeff Rizzo,
Kevin Neal, Kevin Sullivan, Matt Debergalis, Michael K. Sanders, Scott
Ellis, Soren Jorvang, and Tim Rightnour.

If you sent me a SASE and you're not on that list, please mail me your
address and I'll correct the oversight. If you sent me email but no SASE
and you want some badges, please resend your postal address. I've got
22 left, which ought to cover everyone who initially wanted the things.

It looks like ScotGold has expanded what they sell, so these aren't quite
as unique as they once were, but they still work.

Sorry for the stupendous delay in getting these out...

    Mason Loring Bliss  They also surf who
awake ? sleep : dream;  only stand on waves.

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