Subject: Re: vpn client
To: None <>
From: Jeff Francis <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/13/2000 09:33:34
  If you're using Contivity, the answer is no.  While the tunnels are
IPSEC, there's some proprietary stuff that goes on as well.  I'm trying
to solve the same problem... wrote:
> anyone know if there is a way to use a netbsd box as a VPN client for
> system in which the IT people want me to use the "Nortel Extranet Access
> Client" program under windows?
> Thanks
> -Dan

|    Jeff Francis - KC0BWS/AE   |                               |
|      Sr. Systems Engineer     | "The legitimate powers of     |
|    Nortel Networks / Shasta   |  government extend to such    |
|     Denver, CO USA DM79nr     |  acts only as are injurious   |
| 39d43m16.4s N  104d52m10.7s W |  to others."                  |
|       |           -- Thomas Jefferson |
| |                               |