Subject: Re: CD-R[W] recommendations
To: None <sam@Progressive-Systems.Com>
From: Nathan Dorfman <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/14/2000 13:49:36
On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 12:38:07PM -0500, sam@Progressive-Systems.Com wrote:
> I am in the process of looking for a CD-R or CD-RW recorder to burn
> CD's using cd-record on NetBSD 1.4.1. I am not particular whether the
> interface should be SCSI or IDE. Usage for this burner will be light;
> mostly archives and duplication of CDs. The primary concern is
> reliability; it only takes a couple of bad burns [pun wholly intended
> :-)] before confidence in the whole process/recorder/NetBSD/etc. will
> be shaken.
If you're going to be using cdrecord, definitely SCSI. I'm not sure if
there is an ATAPI passthrough driver in NetBSD, and if there is, how
it works with cdrecord ... any SCSI drive listed in the cdrecord
distribution should work. I am using a Yamaha CDRW4260 at home with
no problems, you may want to look at a newer product along the same
> Thanks,
> Sam
Nathan Dorfman <> The statements and opinions in my
Unix Admin @ Frontline Communications public posts are mine, not FCC's.
"The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an approaching
train." --/usr/games/fortune