Subject: Re: Stopping wildcard expansion?
To: Thomas Klausner <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/11/2000 16:04:57
>> is this just an old tcsh you checked?  mine (6.09.00) seems to handle
>> ^c appropriately.
>Older, but not ancient.  tcsh 6.08.00
>Compiling tcsh 6.09.00 gives the same (disfunctional) behaviour for me.


>Signal handling might also be affected by how you got to your shell -
>console, login shell, ssh, telnet.

one via xterm, one via ssh, and one via console.  all seem to be fine.

>I tracked this down in /bin/csh, to exec.c, line 166, where it does
>the argument globbing before the exec.
>    if (gflag) {
>        av = globall(av);
>        if (av == 0) {
>            blkfree(pv);
>            setname(vis_str(expath));
>            stderror(ERR_NAME | ERR_NOMATCH);
>        }
>        gargv = 0;
>    }
>In a short attempt, I couldn't add signal code to get me back to
>a prompt on ^C.

ah...well...uh...not having looked at csh very much, i'd have to admit
to not being much help here.  sorry.  :)

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."