Subject: Re: Suggesting a port
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Natalia Portillo <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 07/04/2004 10:29:10
The only information that I have is that the 9210 phone have a SymbianOS
R6 and that any other information should be get on the Nokia and Symbian
Sorry if I could not help more.
Con fecha 4/7/2004, "Hubert Feyrer" <> escribi=F3:
>On Sun, 4 Jul 2004, Natalia Portillo wrote:
>> I want to suggest porting NetBSD to ARM-based SymbianOS phones like Nokia
>> 9210, 9500, 7650, 3650, nGage, and so on
>Excellent idea. Do you have documentation on the hardware, i.e.
>accessing any storage (flash, sim card, ...), accessing keyboard and
>display, how bootstrapping works/what the machine's firmware is, ...?
> - Hubert
> ,,_
>If wishes were wings, o" )~ would fly. -- Go!
> ''''