Subject: Online Horoscopes, Astrology, and More! rn
To: None <3369=[]>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 03/06/2002 06:01:54
If you have or know of a successful or innovative company, product, service,
invention, or cause suitable for featuring on a new (yet already
nationally-acclaimed) primetime TV newsmagazine with an 8-time Emmy award
winning news team -- then please read the following:
One of the top TV news studios in Hollywood, CA (next to CBS Studios) is
offering to produce and distribute 5-30 minute TV news spotlights on
successful and innovative organizations around the world.
Your Spotlight would air in just the cities you select or (if preferred) to
over 75 million households, businesses and passengers via major cable &
satellite networks, airlines, and cruise ships. Your Spotlight will also be
offered to 450 other TV news rooms and 10,900 reporters via Media Alerts as
well as top news portals on the internet. Broadcast affidavits will be sent to you
The studio will be responsible for all scripting, shooting (on your
locations worldwide and from their multi-million dollar studio), editing and
distribution. They will also cover 100% of the costs for promotion and
As with other news organizations, you would only pay (starting at less than
$2,000 per month) for commercial usage / licensing rights for such items as
video reprints, access to footage and edited masters, repeat airings in
cities you select, webcasting & internet streaming, Video News Release (VNR)
distribution, corporate video version, etc. The studio will even cover the
majority of costs for a Level I, II or III Media Licensing Package in
exchange for the syndication rights to your Spotlight.
Not only sophisticated and media savvy Fortune 500s and global
conglomerates, but many startups, non-profits, and "mom & pops" have taken
advantage of the studio's incredibly valuable offer. EVERY company featured
to date is listed on their site with case studies, unsolicited letters,
contact names, quotes, broadcast affidavits, awards won, pictures of the
studio, VOD of recently televised episodes, team bios, broadcast schedules
and the strongest guarantees in the industry.
Sin industries (e.g. adult, gambling, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) are not
accepted as clients.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, email your Name, Telephone Number,
Email Address and Website URL To:
If this invitation was received in error, please send a blank e-mail with the
word REMOVE in the subject line to:
All remove requests are honored!
* DISCLAIMER: This email is being sent to you by an independent affiliate.
We receive a percentage of the licensing and syndication revenue generated
by each Spotlight company we refer.