Subject: NetBSD port to IBM POWER architecture
To: None <>
From: Buck Pyland <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 09/02/2001 16:55:03
Our group, the St. Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG), has a few IBM POWER
architechture machines, including POWERstation 320s and 580s. We would
like to donate a couple of these to the project to foster a port of
NetBSD to the POWER architecture. We would like know:

1. if you are interested in this
2. what all is needed, documentation-wise (letters, papers, etc) from
both parties, and
3. how we can go about doing this.

We found through your website that two people together were doing a
porting project to IBM POWER. After contacting them, we found either
they were not interested or live in Eastern Europe, where shipping these
would be expensive, and suggested we look for someone closer to home.
Any assistance you can give us would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Buck Pyland