Subject: Re: Port of NetBSD to i860
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 08/07/2001 22:46:32
Joseph Rajkumar <> wrote;
> As you may already know some years ago, Okidata
> had a system manufactured and sold in the US and running
> OKIX on an i860 CPU.
> The product is not sold anymore in the US, but I hear
> that it is very popular in Japan.
> The machine that I have at home runs OKIX a derivative
> of ATT-SYS-V-R4, with X-Windows and all the X11R4.
> Please let me know if there is any porting efforts to this CPU.
You definitely have a rare item. The OKI i860 box can not be called
"popular" and most of Japanese readers in this forum even do not know
about it nor OKI sold UNIX in market I guess, because the company
did not step forward into "RISC" age. I remember that Kubota Computer
(a sub of steel company which withdrawn its ambition years ago) once
sold i860 box housed in the same chasis. I have no clue besides that.
I had a chance my hands on it. I did srings /unix to see the trace which
company ported SVR4 to the i860. There was no significant gain from it.
NetBSD/i860 could be done when entire i860 tool-chain is completed;
it's a major obstracle to conqure. (there is a hope since Mach did support
Tohru Nishimura