Subject: Thoughts on a port to a virtual machine?
To: None <>
From: John Rudd <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 07/18/2000 16:33:43
(note: while I'm a long time BSD user, I'm not that familiar with the
netbsd community ... if this list is a discussion list instead of just
distributing to a person or pool of people who take turns answering
questions, then please note in your response that I am not on this list,
and will need to be cc'ed (or something similar) in the reply.)
I've been thinking lately about a portable environment (not portable
like laptop, like "when I sit down at work, I have the same environment
I had when I sat down at home", only without having to use things that
slow it down, like telnet/ssh/etc and tunneling X displays, etc). Just
an initial scp to transfer state, and then start running.
I stumbled across inferno, but I'm not really that interested in leaving
my friendly unix environment (and BSD more particularly). But one thing
about inferno that did intrigue me was the Dis engine.
Dis is a virtual machine (similar in concept to the JVM), which is open
source of sorts (not on the list of things restricted to only be
redistributed to other inferno subscribers under the inferno license),
and provides a complete environment for running the inferno OS on top of
other platforms (windows, linux, *bsd, solaris on sparc, etc).
I was wondering if anyone has thought of porting netbsd to run on Dis?
The inferno developers have also mentioned the idea of porting inferno
to the JVM ... which would be equally interesting to me (netbsd on JVM).
(vmware and virtual pc could provide partial solutions, but I was hoping
for something that isn't tied to one or two platforms (the way that
vmware is tied to linux and windows, and virtual pc is tied to mac os))
Thanks for your time,
John Rudd