Subject: Re: OS/390 Port
To: None <>
From: Jay Maynard <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 06/30/2000 15:45:58
On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 09:26:34PM +0200, Soren S. Jorvang wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 03:23:00PM -0400, wrote:
> > Have you noticed that LINUX has been ported to the OS/390 platform? Look at
> > for details.
> > How hard would it be to do the same for one of the bsd's?
> It's doable. The 390 architecture is quite well-specified (big,
> heavy books etc.) and there's even the Linux code to look at too,
> of course.
Not only that, but there's even a quite functional emulator that runs on
real-people hardware (though, right now, it's Linux-specific, what it really
needs is POSIX threads, so changes to make it run on BSD would be doable, I
think). Hercules emulates the ESA/390 and S/370 architectures well enough to
run the major IBM OSes unchanged (with one exception: the assists needed for
VM/ESA aren't there). Check out for the