Subject: Re: PRIME 6450
To: Nate 'Dr. Octagon' Gelbard <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 05/19/2000 20:04:28
I don't believe we support that hardware - though if you can get
hardware docs and a C compiler that would target it then you
probably have the best type of primes for which to attempt it :)
Do you have any infor on the actual CPU and memory architecture?
If it really is a machine where NULL != 0 in a hardware sense then
you're in for a world of fun :)
-- No hype required --
On Fri, 19 May 2000, Nate 'Dr. Octagon' Gelbard wrote:
> I'm about to inherit 3 PRIME 6450 mainframes.
> This is a complete shot in the dark, but is there any
> NetBSD support for these monsters?
> They seem to be dual processor, but of what type, I dont know.
> They're from 1990.
> some bad pictures
> Im not on this list, so please reply directly.
> thanx
> natez
> .Nate Gelbard
> ..GRAWK Developer
> ..fax: 801.650.0612