Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest.....
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 12/22/1999 22:11:06
Varrious People writes:
- Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 01:08:55 -0500
- From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
- Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest...
- > Or perhaps we can impose upon the NetBSD Foundation to host a
- > port-hppa list (and maybe we'll get somewhere this time.. :-)
- > A communications channel is critical at this point..
- I have no power to create such a list However, I would
- like to see this happen (even for all that I've no such machines myself
- at the moment), so I've created a mail reflector alias on my home
- machines; the address is
Many thanks Mouse! However, I've found that there is an existing
port-hp700 list at I've already subscribed, and suspect
that would be a good communications channel, and within an existing
structure.. (I'd love to see the archives!)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 16:46:14 +0100
- From: Feico Dillema <>
- Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest...
- On Sat, Dec 18, 1999 at 01:08:55AM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
- > > Or perhaps we can impose upon the NetBSD Foundation to host a
- > > port-hppa list (and maybe we'll get somewhere this time.. :-)
- >
- > > A communications channel is critical at this point..
- Another useful communication channel IMHO is an easy to update
- WWW-site to collect the info and initial experience. We already
- host quite a set of virtual WWW-sites and WWW-mirrors (see:
-, so adding one
- is little work. For such a preliminary NetBSD-hppa site I would
- like then to make a similar setup as we have for our local project
- sites, i.e. have apache serve it's WWW-pages from a CVS-repository.
Sounds like a plan..
- This CVS-repository would then be accessible over SSH, and I'd
- distribute the proper ssh-key to a limited number of people that
- are going to do active work on it.
Sounds good to me. May I have a key to connect to the server??
I expect to send next week working on the hppa/hp700 port, and would
like somewhere to check it into..
- Untill an organized porting effort has been set up (with a
- port-maintainer and infrastructure at, an initial
- source CVS repository would be very useful too I think. Whether
- a separate repository or a mirror of the NetBSD-current CVS with
- an hppa branch would be the right thing, I don't know. But after
- figuring out what is needed, we could host such a repository here.
- Just let me know if I should start on setting these things up
- or not.
I'd be thrilled if you would set them up.. On the other hand,
perhaps we should have something closer to a running system before we
worry about it.. (or perhaps we should ask `core' if we can start
putting fragments of the port into the tree before it runs well/at all.)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 17:47:27 +0100
- From: Feico Dillema <>
- Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest...
- On Sat, Dec 18, 1999 at 05:01:16PM +0100, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
- > I can provide you all my sources if you want.
- > What HP model do you have ? Maybe it'll boot on your machines ...
- I haven't got a full inventory of what's around here in HP hardware
- that will blow up at Y2K (meaning I can redirect that hardware to me ;),
- but I think there's at least a whole bunch of HP9000/735 and 755's
- (and I think I heard mention of 720's too). If I can get to the right
- people next week, I think I could get one of each model in my hands
- to experiment with.
As I recall, the 720, 735, and 755 are all similar architecture,
at least from a boot persective. So, my getting the 720 booting should
get the 735 and 755 booting as well.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 10:18:40 +0200
- From: Tom Javen <>
- Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest...
- On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Eric Schnoebelen wrote:
- > I too can provide such infrastructure.. :-) Or perhaps
- > we can impose upon the NetBSD Foundation to host a port-hppa
- > list (and maybe we'll get somewhere this time.. :-)
- I believe there are an unofficial list port-hp700 functional.
I've already subscribed!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:55:18 -0500
- From: Michael Wolfson <>
- Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest...
- I'm really excited that all you folks are working on an hppa port.
- I've got a 720 that is being decomissioned. I'd be happy to donate it to
- anyone that would work on the porting efforts, as long as they paid
- shipping (I'm already sending one to the OpenBSD folk). Keyboard, mouse,
- 19" monitor, 400 MB hard drive, 32 MB RAM included.
I've got one 720 already, although I'd be interested in having a
second as well.. I'll admit that I'm not terribly interested in the
monitor though, as mine is (like most of the rest of the systems I've
got) using a serial console.
- Please let me know soon (i.e. this week) if you're interested.
Let me know how much the shipping is on the CPU.
- ------------------------------
My status to date on getting the OpenBSD/hppa port: I've had an
extremely hard time getting the cross build going OpenBSD 2.6. It
appears that little work has been done on keeping the cross environment
building on OpenBSD 2.6. And I've not had much luck trying to build a
cross compile environment for ELF binaries on the PARISC processor for
NetBSD (on NetBSD..) I don't think I've found all the right bits yet..
I'll be taking a look at the Linux/pa-risc cross compile environments to
see what I'm doing wrong..
Eric Schnoebelen
Glossary: compu-dinosaur: N, A computer guru stuck in time. (is
happy with a TeleVideo terminal and a modem). Most probably the
guy you learned everything you know from.