Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest...
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Feico Dillema <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 12/18/1999 16:46:14
On Sat, Dec 18, 1999 at 01:08:55AM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> > Or perhaps we can impose upon the NetBSD Foundation to host a
> > port-hppa list (and maybe we'll get somewhere this time.. :-)
> > A communications channel is critical at this point..
Another useful communication channel IMHO is an easy to update
WWW-site to collect the info and initial experience. We already
host quite a set of virtual WWW-sites and WWW-mirrors (see:, so adding one
is little work. For such a preliminary NetBSD-hppa site I would
like then to make a similar setup as we have for our local project
sites, i.e. have apache serve it's WWW-pages from a CVS-repository.
This CVS-repository would then be accessible over SSH, and I'd
distribute the proper ssh-key to a limited number of people that
are going to do active work on it.
Untill an organized porting effort has been set up (with a
port-maintainer and infrastructure at, an initial
source CVS repository would be very useful too I think. Whether
a separate repository or a mirror of the NetBSD-current CVS with
an hppa branch would be the right thing, I don't know. But after
figuring out what is needed, we could host such a repository here.
Just let me know if I should start on setting these things up
or not.