Subject: Re: HPPA Port Interest...
To: None <>
From: Eric Schnoebelen <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 12/16/1999 18:10:31
Michael Shalayeff writes:
- Making, drinking tea and reading an opus magnum from Eric Schnoebelen:
- > 	OpenBSD has a hppa project going as well, although it
- > appears to have been slow of late.. (the port `maintainer' has
- > been busy/sick, as I understand it.)
- yes, i'm very `sick' of people speculating about stuff they have not tried
- to look at or hack at.

	Appologies if I have offended.

	One person working on a spare time project as major as
an OS kernel on a new platform is most definately has a full
plate.  If I haven't expressed it, I do appreciate the effort
put forth!

	Many thanks for the work to date!

Eric Schnoebelen
    At Group L, Stoffel oversees six first-rate programmers, a managerial 
		challenge roughly comparable to herding cats.
					  -- Washington Post Magazine,6/9/85
- cu