Subject: Re: netbsd
To: Eric Schnoebelen <>
From: Jim Reid <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 11/16/1999 19:52:51
>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Schnoebelen <> writes:

    >> Hi just wondering if anyone has started to work on porting to the HP
    >> 9000. I have one laying around and I figure I may as well try to help
    >> out where I can. I don't know right now if I will have time in the near
    >> future to work on the port myself or what.

    Eric> This has been on my todo list for several years now.. :-(

The guys at the University of Utah - they did the original hp300 port
of BSD4.[34] - did do a sort of port of BSD to the HPPA. IIRC, there's
some reference to their code on the NetBSD web site.