Subject: ipop3d and popper, where can I get them and which is better?
To: 'netbsd-ports' <>
From: John A. Maier - MIS dept. <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 08/31/1998 09:18:13
I went to U of Washington's web site to pick up a copy of ipop3d (part of
the imapd distrib.) and I cannot access their ftp server.  Does anyone know
where it is mirrored?

Also I tried to get a newer version of popper, I've got 2.2 but it doesn't
support something Netscape wants to do with authentication.

Which comes down to, which is better.

The last version of ipop3d I have, and am using is compiles to a 540K binary

The version of popper I have (2.2) only is 57K.

Suggestions, recommendations?
