Subject: Re: Netscape 2.0beta1 - Port of HotJava to FreeBSD and NetBSD More Usefull?
To: Jake Hamby <>
From: Gene W Homicki <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 10/11/1995 21:20:05
 | I heard there was some fairly good progress being made on a Linux port.
 | Is this true?  Because if the Linux people have a working version, then a
 | FreeBSD/NetBSD version would be almost trivial from there.

You can get more information about the Linux port from:

There are a few ports to ELF based Linux systems using either Sun's
thread library of the POSIX threads library. 

I haven't used the port, I just know it exists and works (well,


Gene W. Homicki                     
Objective Consulting, Inc.          
Internet Presence Design                      voice: +1 914.353.3511