Subject: Re: Bootstraping NetBSD on SunOS
To: Pete Delaney <pete@RockyMountain.Rahul.Net>
From: Rolf Grossmann <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 10/07/1995 18:05:43

on Fri, 6 Oct 1995 20:27:42 -0700 Pete Delaney wrote 
concerning "Bootstraping NetBSD on SunOS" something like this:

> I just installed the NetBSD src and trying to compile it. It seems
> make is unhappy. I tried compiling usr.bin/make with the bootstrap
> makefile but cdefs.h include file seems to be a BSD'ism.

This won't work ...

> I thought Dave or one of the other NetBSD hackers might give me
> some pointers on getting started.

You're supposed to bootstrap NetBSD/sparc by using a binary distribution
(preferably the latest snapshot) of NetBSD/sparc. You can find it on most
(all?) NetBSD mirrors in arch/sparc. You can find installation instructions
there, too.

Using that (i.e running NetBSD), you can compile the latest sources to 
get to -current.

Bye, Rolf