Subject: RE: NetBSD on a prime
To: 'netbsd-ports' <netbsd-ports@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Maier <>
List: netbsd-ports
Date: 06/27/1995 08:44:00
Ah, the venerable Prime, can't tell you if a port is on the way, but I know
the company folded a few years back. (musing on) Prime/Primos was my first
taste of mult-processor technology, at Southwest Baptist University (a small
college in SW Missouri). If I remember, it had 8 megs and would allocate a
whole 64k/person and cranked a just under 1 MIPS. I use to pour over the
manuals for hours trying to learn it's deepest secrets. One night while
trying out various system level commands, the Prime crashed as I pressed the
enter key. Funny, everyone got up and looked at me.
(musing off)
* John A. Maier * Research Assistant For Datastorm *
* E-mail: * Technologies Inc. (Procomm Plus) *
* * (314) 443-3283 *
From: owner-netbsd-ports
To: netbsd-ports
Subject: NetBSD on a prime
Date: Sunday, June 25, 1995 8:54PM
I hate to ask this, but... :)
Is anyone working on NetBSD on a prime (I may be able to 'catch'
one of these as is is thrown from a computing centre :)
I expect the answer to be a resounding 'no' (With quite a few
'a prime? what the hell is a prime?' :), but I said to the
guy who told me about it I'd check... :)
David (MIME) +44 171 477 8186 {post,host}master (abs)
Network Analyst, UCS, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB.