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Re: Java 2 on NetBSD

Joshua Lee wrote:
I'm wondering if there's any plans for a native Java 1.3 or 1.4 for NetBSD, also how well the various Linux JVMs work under NetBSD.

There have been plans for a long, long time. Unfortunately, Sun
won't allow anyone to distribute Java binaries without jumping
through a lot of very expensive hoops :-(

At one time, it seemed like we were close to getting all the
roadblocks removed to allow a binary distribution but that seems
to haved died on the vine. IMHO, I seriously doubt that a binary
distribution will ever happen for NetBSD unless Sun completely
changes its Java licensing terms.

If you really need a native 1.3, you can download the source from
Sun, download the FreeBSD patches (that also contain NetBSD patches)
and build it yourself. AFAIK, only i386 and powerpc are supported
at this time.

Many people have successfully used the Linux JVMs but you may have
problems under heavy load, large number of threads, etc.


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