Subject: Re: MacBook Pro w/NetBSD???
To: Paul Newhouse <>
From: Chavdar Ivanov <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/27/2007 23:04:45
On 27/10/2007, Paul Newhouse <> wrote:
> >  > Will NetBSD run off of a USB attached disk with Parallels?
> >  >
> >
> >  yes. the "disk" for the parallels machine is just a file that
> >  osx manages. All my virtual machine disks live on a fast, external
> >  firewire drive.
> Ah!  Firewire OK!
> >  booting from a usb drive itself could be more painful -- I'm not
> >  even sure it's doable.
> A small boot partition that can mount the external disk is good enough.
> >  You can access filesystems on usb drives from parallels though,
> >  but even with the the latest versions of parallels, it's not full
> >  usb 2 speed, e.g. only about 4MB/sec. Virtual drives are
> >  much faster.
> For remote work it HAS to be faster than a modem connection???? ... no?
> Which leads me to another question.  Using Parallels (or Fusion)
> can I get the MacBook to act as a router/firewall.  Connection to
> the internet via modem or WiFi and providing a LAN to another system?
> I'm doing this at home with Native NetBSD on i386 boxes, I'm wondering
> about the MacBook since you (someone in this thread??) mentioned the
> ethernet connection was a little funky.  I haven't gotten any feed back
> from OS X groups about if the OS X on the MacBook can do this??

Although I have tested Parallels some times ago, I haven't done any
trickery like that; I have done it (and actually doing it now up to a
point), using VMware server running on W2K3 server - the host has two
adapters; the [Net|Open]BSD VM connects to the one, which goes to the
company DMZ; the host and the other machines connected to it's green
i/f get the pf BSD firewall as it's gateway/DNS server etc, more or
less obvious. I should imagine Parallels will let you do the same.

> TIA,
> Paul N.

/dev/random says:
	Did you expect mere proof to sway my opinion?
Chavdar Ivanov   | Talbot Way, Small Heath Business Park
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