Subject: Re: Send-pr Diff Switches
To: None <>
From: Claus Andersen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/18/2007 10:20:09
On Thu, 17 May 2007, Randy Beaudreault wrote:
>> On May 17, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Randy Beaudreault wrote:
>>> What switches do I use with diff to generate a file suitable to upload for
>>> a bug report?
>> Most people prefer unified diffs; "diff -dur" is commonly used.
> Unified diffs are and are generated how?
Unified diffs are simply the common format used nowadays (as opposed to
the older "context" format).
You simply generate a diff by issuing "diff -dur file1 file2" at the
command line.
The following simple example demonstrates it:
Create a text file:
$ echo Hello world! > myfile1.txt
$ echo This is a line of text >> myfile1.txt
Copy the file:
$ cp myfile1.txt myfile2.txt
Add another line of text to the new file:
$ echo This is another line of text >> myfile2.txt
You can now create a unified diff of the two files like this:
$ diff -dur myfile1.txt myfile2.txt
If you want to output it to a file then do:
$ diff -dur myfile1.txt myfile2.txt > myfile.diff
...more reading can be found with "man diff"