Subject: NetBSD appears not to support motherboard/chipset
To: None <>
From: John Warmann <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/28/2007 04:52:17
I am trying to install NetBSD 3.1 amd64 on my machine but i think the 
motherboard/chipset is not supported. I have 3 machines P4, Athon 64 3200+ and
Athlon 64 4000+. All three machines are connected to the same input devices
with a KVM. The P4 runs Linux and NetBSD using the same keyboard, so i'm sure 
the keyboard is ok.
I also have FreeBSD and Gentoo Linux installed on the 3200+ and was trying to 
install NetBSD 3.1 on that same machine. It boots up and gets to the first screen,
language choice screen, then absolutely no response to keyboard input, so
there's nothing I can do but reboot manually. To make sure it was not the KVM
causing problems, I connected the keyboard directly, still no response.
I also tried NetBSD 2.0, 3.1 i386, NetBSD Live and another keyboard and the results are the same.
I can't get a dmesg when I can't even enter text. Machine specs below:

Athlon 64 3200+ socket 939
MSI RS480M2-IL Motherboard
ATI Radeon XPRESS 200
ATI SB400 Chipset

Generic keyboard / mouse
Trendware TK-400K 4-Port KVM Switch

Any suggestions? Thanks

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