Subject: Re: mplayerplug-in
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/27/2007 17:58:49
On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, James K. Lowden wrote:

> sujit sinha wrote:
> > Thanks James for your reply. Could you please be more specific. I am
> > used to  Ubuntu not Netbsd, so to install a package mplayerplug-in what
> > is the  command I give?
> That was actually Jeremy's reply, not mine, but I'll answer anyway.  
> You want to start at  Basically you download a tarball
> "skeleton" tree that lets the pkgsrc system build any package from
> scratch.  Before you build anything, though, you want to tell pkgsrc where
> to install the binaries it builds.  The default is /usr/pkg, but if you
> can't create that directory, you'll obviously have to offer another one. 
> Cf. "man packages" for LOCALBASE and X11BASE.  
> Then cd to the mplayer directory and type "make".  pkgsrc will fetch
> whatever it needs, including other packages it depends on, and build
> everything.  (That's the theory, anyway.  This list exists because it
> doesn't *always* work out.) ;-)  Then "make install" and you're home free.

And to add to that: