Subject: Re: compiling netbsd-3.0 kernel source
To: Lubomir Kundrak <>
From: Prasanta Sadhukhan <Prasanta.Sadhukhan@Sun.COM>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/09/2006 15:32:00
Thanks Lubomir!
Lubomir Kundrak wrote On 11/08/06 19:22,:
> Hi Prasanta!
> On St, 2006-11-08 at 16:51 +0530, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
>>I have taken netbsd 3.0 source from
>>and downloaded in RHLinux9.0 kernel 2.6.13
>>I want to compile the kernel from the source.
>>According to
>>I need to use " kernel=<MYCONF>" to build.
>>I copied usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/GENERIC as MYCONF
>>but I could not find in usr/src
>>Can anyone tell me how can I compile this 3.0 kernel
> In case you cross-compile, you need all *.tgz files, and you'll find
> in top level. It is because you need to build the whole
> tool-chain. I do not know why did you choose to crosscompile on Red Hat
> Linux, but I recommend you to do a native build on NetBSD instead.
>>Thx in advance
> Best Regards,