Subject: Apache core dumps when Loading
To: None <>
From: radhika <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/19/2006 22:04:30
I run NetBSD 3.0 on i386.
I have apache-1-3.34 with Mod_ssl ap-ssl-2.8.25.
I have loaded Mod_ssl with the LoadModule line in my httpd.conf.
I have read all the apache documentation and so on, but every time I try:
LoadModule perl_module lib/httpd/ in my httpd.conf and start
apache, apache core dumps.
The version of mod perl installed is:
ap-perl-1.29nb5 Module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache.
Has anybody else had this experience?
It is all a matter of perspective. You choose your view by choosing where
to stand.
Larry Wall