Subject: Re: large file replication
To: Simon Truss <>
From: Michael Gorsuch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/12/2006 10:43:28
Will rsync pick up where it left off in a file copy?  I haven't seen any 
indication that it will.  If I'm moving at file that's 10GB, and the 
transfer dies at 9GB, will rsync have to start over from bit 1, or can 
it resume? 

Simon Truss wrote:
> Michael Gorsuch wrote:
>> I'm currently replicating multi-gig files across our WAN via scp and 
>> am in need of another tool.
>> Does anyone know of a tool that would allow me to transmit the files 
>> across the WAN, and pick back off where I left off after a WAN flap?  
>> If I've transmitted 9 gigs of a 10 gig file, I do not want to have to 
>> resend the original 9.    Thank you,
> try rsync, pkgsrc is your friend here, look under net/rsync. worked 
> very well when I had to transfer 1TB of multi GB files to new RAID array.
> Simon