Subject: vim troubles -- Please help with configuration
To: NetBSD-help <>
From: mowestusa <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/24/2006 20:56:21
I have been googling, and searching the vim
documentation but I'm just not finding the answers to
my issues with vim. I'm coming from a Linux background
where I can do all of the following, but I can't do
the same in vim on NetBSD. Any help or pointing me to
vim documentation which is specific to NetBSD would be

I'm running vim 7.0 (binary) in NetBSD 3.0.1 on i386
without x.

1. The backspace nor the delete key work in vim on
  - Have not tried any solutions because unsure what
issue could be (differently done keymapping in NetBSD
or something else?)

2. vim scripts do not run even though they have been
placed in the ~/.vim/plugin directory.
   - I have my .vimrc file in ~/
   - I have in the .vimrc file "set
   - Seems to be the only configuration needed in vim
for Unix

3. Can not see a status bar on the bottom.
   - I have never had this happen in Linux, so I'm
usure what could be the cause of this in NetBSD.

4. Arrow keys seem to malfunction when in insert mode,
not moving the cursor.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm finding lots of
configuration information for Linux, but nothing
NetBSD specific, and my fixes have not fixed anything
as yet. I'm surprised by the difference in vim between
the two opporating systems.


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