Subject: Re: can't get mail through to list?
To: Paul (NCC/CS) <>
From: Chuck Swiger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/17/2006 09:14:52
Paul (NCC/CS) wrote:
[ ... ]
> "Greylisting in action, please try later"
> Does it think i'm spam?

No, it hasn't formed an opinion yet.

Real mailservers will retry when they get a 4xx temporary failure, whereas 
spambots usually do not.  Once your MTA resends, the greylist will remember 
your email address and IP, and let additional mail from you go through without 
the delay.

> What can I do, it's a real pain.

Spam is a real pain.  Greylisting is mostly harmless as anti-spam measures go, 
and is more effective than most mechanisms.  There's nothing you need to do in 
particular...just wait for longer than the (default) 5 minute greylist timeout.

Real MTAs will resend queued messages every thirty minutes or so, but that 
timeout is commonly adjusted.

If you're sending your own mail from a dynamic IP range, such as a DSL or 
cable broadband pool, you will probably be better off relaying mail through 
your ISP's designated mailserver.

> I can't communicate about netbsd!
> (ps hope this gets through)

It did.  :-)
