Subject: Re: can't connect to the Internet. 1st time pppoe.
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/18/2006 21:51:47
On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 02:22:39PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 11:35:20PM +0200, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> > On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 01:30:41PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> > > On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 08:14:01PM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> > > > When I reboot with an automatic setup I repeatedly get the error
> > > > "pppoe0: received unexpected PADO". The message is repeated in
> > > > rapid succession, so the console fills up in no time.
> > > [...]
> > > This isn't quite right. Looking more carefully, there is an IP address
> > > of sorts: "inet -> netmask 0xff000000". This doesn't
> > > seem right, though. Shouldn't those be "real" IP addresses, and with a
> > > netmask of 0xffffff00 or 0xffffffff? Those and are
> > > the numbers I supply in the /etc/ifconfig.pppoe0 file. Should I not
> > > supply them, and only declare the pppoe interface "up"?
> >
> > No, this is correct. pppoe is supposed to change these when it has successully
> > established a session with the server.
> >
> > Can you try to tcpdump the underlying interface (tcpdump -s 1500) to see
> > what is happening on wire ?
> I did this while connecting with a WindowsXP machine using the proprietary
> software tools supplied by the provider. The Windows machine succeeded
> in connecting to the Internet.
> I now have a huge 6MB file of tcpdump output, but I don't know how to use it.
> Even tcpdumbp -r yields a file that is 280KB. Are there some keywords that
> I can grep on to find the necessary information to get NetBSD to connect?
It's strange that the tcpudmp file is so large. What's interesting is probably
in the first few packets, especially the PAD* ones, and then LCP/IPCP.
Here is what I have with a successfull connect (the PADI packet is what
starts the connection, and is sent by my host):
21:45:13.234197 PPPoE PADI [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0xF0AC3000]
21:45:13.398723 PPPoE PADO [AC-Name "BSMSO108"] [Host-Uniq 0xF0AC3000] [Service-Name] [AC-Cookie 0xF017FC9DEF801E29EFF08EEFC116CACE]
21:45:13.399016 PPPoE PADR [Service-Name] [AC-Cookie 0xF017FC9DEF801E29EFF08EEFC116CACE] [Host-Uniq 0xF0AC3000]
21:45:13.704335 PPPoE PADS [ses 0x1aa0] [Service-Name] [Host-Uniq 0xF0AC3000] [AC-Name "BSMSO108"] [AC-Cookie 0xF017FC9DEF801E29EFF08EEFC116CACE]
21:45:13.704681 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 25, Magic-Num 0x884f15a5, length 10
21:45:13.708401 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 140, MRU 1492, Auth-Prot CHAP, MD5, Magic-Num 0x300ccdec, length 19
21:45:13.708638 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 140, MRU 1492, Auth-Prot CHAP, MD5, Magic-Num 0x300ccdec, length 19
21:45:13.759924 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 25, Magic-Num 0x884f15a5, length 10
21:45:13.766177 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] Chal(161), Value <some hex string for the chap challenge>, Name BSMSO108
21:45:13.766636 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] Resp(161), Value <another hex string for the chap reply>, Name <my login on my ISP here>
21:45:15.997580 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 2, Auth-Prot CHAP, MD5, Magic-Num 0xd345089d, length 15
21:45:15.997909 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 2, Auth-Prot CHAP, MD5, Magic-Num 0xd345089d, length 15
21:45:15.998153 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 26, Magic-Num 0x884f15a5, length 10
21:45:16.092333 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 26, Magic-Num 0x884f15a5, length 10
21:45:16.094391 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] Chal(162), Value <a chap challenge hex string, again>, Name lns101-tip-voltaire
21:45:16.094742 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] Resp(162), Value <a chap reply hex string, again>, Name <my login on my ISP here>
21:45:16.160329 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] Succ(162), Msg
21:45:16.160627 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] IPCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 11
21:45:16.160861 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] unknown, Conf-Request (0x01), id 11, length 14
21:45:16.162374 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] IPCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 1, IP-Addr, length 10
21:45:16.162582 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] IPCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 1, IP-Addr, length 10
21:45:16.163752 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] unknown, Conf-Request (0x01), id 1, length 14
21:45:16.163957 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] unknown, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 1, length 14
21:45:16.214581 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] IPCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 11
21:45:16.218071 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] unknown, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 11, length 14
21:45:17.182347 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Echo-Request (0x09), id 1, Magic-Num 0xd345089d, length 12
21:45:17.182630 PPPoE [ses 0x1aa0] LCP, Echo-Reply (0x0a), id 1, Magic-Num 0x884f15a5, length 12
Manuel Bouyer <>
NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference