Subject: Re: "/etc/security: cannot open secure2.20100: no such file"
To: Henry Nelson <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/12/2006 09:08:36
> The "daily insecurity output" message contains the line:
> "/etc/security: cannot open secure2.nnnnn: no such file", where
> "nnnnn" is some number which changes each day.
> Does anyone have an idea why this is happening and know how to
> stop it?
Probably the secure2.nnnnn never got created. In another email you
mentioned you are running 1.6.x. For 1.6.x, the variable holding the
filename is TMP1. It looks like it used for eight different tests in the
daily security script. Probably one of those eight failed.
Try running the script manually like:
sh -x /etc/security 2>&1 | tee security.out
And look in the security.out about that file.
Jeremy C. Reed
echo ':6DB6=88>?;@69876tA=AC8BB5tA6487><' | tr '4-F' 'wu rofIn.lkigemca'