Subject: Re: distcc and pkgsrc
To: NetBSD Help <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/04/2006 08:17:21
wrzymski --> netbsd-help (2006-02-04 00:01:03 +0100):
> 2006/2/3, Jarmo Jaakkola <>:
> > I also tried to build slrn and couple of times it seemed to get
> > stuck somewhere before it even got to compiling and once it compiled
> > all right, but stuck looping the question for root password ("becoming
> > root for install.. interrupted by signal 22" or something), never
> > showing the password prompt.
> For installing packages you need to become root first. There is no way
> to "ask" you during this stage. Next time become root first (not
> recomended) or issue "make" from normal user account then su for make
> install/package stage.
That's not true. If superuser privileges are required, ${SU_CMD} is
executed (which is ${ROOT_CMD} by default, which is `/usr/bin/su -
root -c' for most systems).
> With such configuration you can't expect almost any boost with typical
> c programs.
Why not?
bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~