Subject: Re: rc.d/* help - writing my own script
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/03/2006 17:56:20
Jan Danielsson --> netbsd-help (2006-02-03 17:46:44 +0100):
> Many thanks.. However, one issue remains. The "stop" command doesn't
> work, it claims there is no pid-file (which there isn't; I checked). Do
> I need to tell it to create a pid-file in some way?
> Oh, btw, I installed postgresql80, and it has the same problem (with
> regards to the stop-command). Each time I shutdown it questions the fact
> that postmaster is running, because its pid-file is missing.
The script which is started (`/usr/local/bin/' in your case)
is responsible to create the pidfile. So you'd need to add code to to write the pid to /var/run/ when invoked.
However, there's probably a simpler approach: just remove the
pidfile=... line from your rc script; stopping should then work
HTH, Jukka
bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~