Subject: Re: Install NetBSD 2.0 #prot_to_real can't return to 5B520000
To: None <>
From: Luc Desfosses <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/27/2005 19:01:42
You believe it's an hardware problem...?
Or with my cd-rom...?
debian pass well, dragonfly pass well,
and a liveCD of NetBSD start very well...!!
I've try with tree CD of netbsd 2.0 and one
1.6.2, change the ram and hardisk with
no more success
Jonathan A. Kollasch a écrit :
> On Tuesday 27 September 2005 09:06 am, Luc Desfosses wrote:
>>I try to install NetBSD 2.0 on a IBM IntelliStation
>>Mpro (Only one PIII@500Mhz).
> I've PXE-booted NetBSD 2.0.2 on mine several times. Perhaps something is
> corrupt.
> Jonathan Kollasch