Subject: Re: ffs snapshots
To: Mipam <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/26/2005 13:32:51
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On 2005.09.26 12:26:56 +0100, Rui Paulo wrote:
| On 2005.09.26 13:25:12 +0200, Mipam wrote:
| | Okay, thanks.
| | I rebuild the kernel and outcommented the option, so snapshots are once=
| | again enabled. How can i enable background checking, in 2.0 and current=
| | this is not enabled by default.
| You mean fsck background checking ? That is not possible in NetBSD and
| is considered evil and dangerous.
Some people think I was expressing NetBSD view on background fsck:
wrong. I was expressing my own opinion and I used the word
"considered" because I'm not the only one against background fscks.
Sorry for any lack of clearance..
-- Rui Paulo
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