Subject: Re: Can't install MBR after 2.0.2 ftp install from floppies
To: None <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/20/2005 02:32:19
In article <>,
Paul Newhouse <> writes:
> pimin# fdisk
> Disk: /dev/rwd0d
> NetBSD disklabel disk geometry:
> cylinders: 484521, heads: 16, sectors/track: 63 (1008 sectors/cylinder)
> total sectors: 488397168
> BIOS disk geometry:
> cylinders: 1023, heads: 255, sectors/track: 63 (16065 sectors/cylinder)
> total sectors: 268435455
> Partition table:
> 0: NetBSD (sysid 169)
> start 63, size 488397105 (238475 MB, Cyls 0-30401/81/1), Active
> 1: <UNUSED>
> 2: <UNUSED>
> 3: <UNUSED>
> Bootselector enabled, timeout 10 seconds.
That looks good.
> Rebooting produces "Error ?" where I expect the kernel to load.
Are you seeing the boot menu? I'm guessing no...
> After rebooting from the install floppy and interrupting the boot
> and selecting the hard disk it comes up.
The MBR code is only the first step. Check out installboot(8),
especially the first NetBSD/i386 example.